What is Parking Guidance System?
Parking Guidance Systems (PGS), a type of technology, are designed to provide drivers with real-time parking information. It’s a advanced Car Counting technology, provides dynamic data that facilitates vehicle circulation within a parking lot. These are usually found in multi-story car parks, but they can also be used in other locations.
To maximize their use, these systems include a variety of components, including communication, traffic monitoring, and Variable Message Signs. There are many benefits to being able quickly and easily locate a parking spot. We will discuss these benefits shortly. It eliminates the stress associated with finding an empty space.
This is a type of traffic monitoring that does exactly what it says on the tin. It studies both incoming as well as outgoing traffic using various data and programs. The evolution of the parking industry was inevitable due to increased interest in data collection and use to improve customer interactions.

Basic Elements of Parking Guidance Systems
There are a few different parts that make up a parking guidance system, and the majority of systems need these components to operate at maximum efficiency.
Cars: As simple as these sounds, you will not be able to count and manage vehicles without them being present. The system relies on their being new vehicular ‘data’ to operate effectively.
Signs: The usage of parking signage is a core part of helping people find an open space in a car parking structure. They often provide the information at entry, and throughout your parking journey.
Detectors: The technology that dictates if there is a car in a space, this can be a few different variations. But basically has the ability to know when a car is in the space and when it has left it.
Indicators: These will typically be the LED lights above an empty spot that highlight or 'indicate' where you can park. As a rule of thumb, green is used for a vacant spot, and red for an unavailable space.
Control Systems: This is the hub where the information is gathered and distributed to the different elements. Collecting the data about cars and free parking spots, passing it onto the signs and thus the drivers.
Network Link: The type of technology can differ from model to model, but the core premise is that the whole system and parking spaces are linked so they can all communicate real-time data.
How to work Parking Guidance Systems
Parking Guidance Systems combine a variety of technologies to help drivers find parking spaces quicker and more efficiently. PGS provides a simple but functional parking experience by combining traffic monitoring, variable message signs (VMS), onsite communications, and vehicle processing. This is one of the most popular ways Parking Guidance Systems work.
- A car is ‘scanned’ when it enters the car park, this can be done via a special ticket machine, or just via the entrance.
- Variable Message Signs direct the drivers to the open spaces. This can be via telling them how many spaces are on their level, in a certain section of the car park, or even down each row of the parking structure
- Parking Space Indicators are used to highlight where the free spaces are. Typically the use of green LEDs are implemented but this can vary.
- Once a car parks in the space, special sensors pickup the vehicle in the parking spot and reduce the number of free spaces available. The LED will often turn red to indicate the space has been taken.
- The driver exits the vehicle, the location of the car is typically saved in a temporary database, and then the driver proceeds to reach their destination on foot.
- Upon returning to the car park some Parking Guidance Systems will even be able to help the driver ‘Find My Car’ via the pay or help stations in the car park.
- When the car is fully out of the space and cleared the proximity, the spot will be once again marked as free and a new vehicle will be directed there.
Types of under vehicle surveillance system
Car Parking Guidance System
Car Parking Guidance Systems are a form of technology that is designed for drivers providing them with real time parking information.
A parking guidance system is an advanced form of Car Counting or vehicle detection technology that provides dynamic data to facilitate vehicle circulation within a car park. Although these are typically seen in multi-store car parks, they can be used in different locations too.
Car Parking Ticketing System
The latest Automatic Parking Station offers you an innovative ticket handling system for the parking operation. This Automatic Parking Solution is designed to improve cash management, lower labor and operational expenses while improving customer service and convenience round the clock, 24-hour operation. The ergonomic design and user-friendly Smartcard auto-pay Station guides customers through the entire transaction process with ease Options.
Car Barrier
Car barriers Gate refer to any device that causes cars to slow down, usually purposefully but not necessarily. They are most often used in areas with high pedestrian traffic, especially when children and seniors make up a large portion of that pedestrian traffic, such as school zones.
Automatic car park barrier system are the ideal solution for managing vehicle movement in public parking areas, car parks, and private and block of flats entrances.
Road Blocker
Road Blockers and Tyre Killers are heavy-duty and anti-terrorist barriers installed in high-sensitive areas where unauthorized vehicles have strict access restrictions. They are installed to block the roadways for vehicle passage and obstruct the vehicle-based attacks.
Tyre killer Spikes
Tyre Killer is an electro hydraulically operated heavy-duty spike barrier that is raised above ground level upon receiving an appropriate input signal and therefore prevents illegal intrusions into entry and exit points of high security areas. This Traffic Flow Plate Spike Barrier is a top-quality sturdy steel barrier that can handle vehicles that are of any size and volume. After the vehicle has passed the area, the teeth will return to their active position, which provides complete security against any intruders from the wrong side.
Automatic hydraulic bollards
Automatic hydraulic bollards are made of steel and rise above the ground to restrict access and also to prevent intrusion into the premises where access must be restricted for security reasons. One of the main reasons for installing automatic bollards is to secure parking spaces that are often targets vandals and criminals. Additionally, an increasing amount of homeowners are installing automatic bollards on their driveways. This is due to bollards being able to be a powerful barrier against strangers.
Under Vehicle Surveillance
An Under Vehicle Scanning System (UVSS) system is a set of cameras that are positioned on the road and utilized at access points to facilities especially in gates and secure facilities. A system for scanning under vehicles (UVSS) is utilized to spot dangers, like bombs hidden under vehicles. UVSS systems are essential today because terrorist attacks have become frequent. Thus having an Under-Vehicle Surveillance System installed protects your home. The cameras of this system can effectively scan the underside of a car and relay the images into clear images that are displayed to security personnel on the computer screen. The UVSS system is able to be permanently attached to the road, or it may be temporary and completely is dependent on your needs.

What are the Benefits of Parking Guidance Systems?
Parking Guidance Systems offer a wide variety of benefits to both the drivers and the operators, we are going to look at a few of the core reasons for implementing one of these systems.
Driver Benefits
Lower Emissions: Due to shorter time to park there will be fewer emissions into the air, making the car park much greener and environmentally conscious. With people finding their spaces quicker their fuel consumption is less too.
Quicker: We have all been in a situation when we arrive somewhere early or on time and are made late by not being able to find a space. Parking Guidance Systems help speed up finding a space, reduce your travel time and means you can arrive at your destination quicker.
Reduces Stress: Creating an easier parking environment removes the stress of trying to find a space or seeing an open spot and finding a small car in it. Knowing you will be guided to an open spot makes the whole process simpler.
Company Benefits
Real Time: Due to their design, Parking Guidance Systems operate in real time. This means that people parking will get up to date information on where the spots are and even how many spaces are on their multi-store floor via variable message signs.
Efficient: One of the most obvious benefits is the fact that this will improve the flow of traffic and be much more efficient. If everyone knows where there is an open space, they will not be circling looking for one and delaying their parking.
Easy implementation and management
It can easily be designed, installed, implemented, used and managed that changing the old traditional methods with installing smart parking management system for the first time sounds difficult.
Cost-effective solution
It is a cost-effective technology that you will be able to decrease your parking management costs and manage far more effectively your parking areas.
What types of Organization Can Benefit with Parking Guidance Systems?
Parking Guidance Systems as the name suggests, can be implemented anywhere people need to park, but this is not entirely true, as their value will not be apparent for smaller car parks.
- Companies with Multiple Car Parks
- Universities or Displaced Campuses
- Theme Parks
- Out of Town Shopping Centers and Plazas
- Central City Multi-Store Car Parks
- Airports
- Train Stations
- Bus Stations
- Transit Hubs
- Large Gyms and Health Clubs
- Outlets
- Homeward Stores
Parking Guidance Systems are just one part of the larger vehicle access control bubble, and can be beneficial for everyone involved, from guests, to patrons, to staff, to your company as a whole.
Why you should install parking guidance System at Your Parking Lot?
Parking Guidance Systems improve drivers’ parking experience, guiding them in finding a vacant spot, and often in locating their car when coming back. VMS signs facilitate timely information updates and reduce the need for costly and more labor-intensive fixed message signs.
Parking Guidance system can be used not only within a single parking facility, but also on a certain area with parking access control, in order to direct drivers to car parks where occupancy levels are low. The goal is to reduce search time, which in turn decreases traffic congestion, with related benefits to air pollution.
Parking Guidance systems are also powerful tools for parking operators. Through yield management and dynamic pricing they can adjust the parking tariffs based on supply and demand, or other business criteria.
Best parking guidance system Provider Company in Bangladesh?
- Varito parking Guidance System
- Parklio car Parking Guidance
- Ottopark Parking Guidance
- SMARCOM automated parking guidance
- Urbiotica camera based parking guidance system
Parking guidance system price in Bangladesh 2022
Parking guidance system price ranged start from BDT 5,50,000.00 to BDT 85,50,000.00 depends on types of guidance system, automaton system, Quality of materials and quantity of guidance.
Price (BDT)
Car Parking Guidance
BDT 5,50,000.00 to BDT 75,50,000.00
Car Barrier
BDT 75,000.00 to BDT 5,00,000.00
Road Blocker
BDT 4,00,000.00 to BDT 12,00,000.00
Tyre killer Spikes
BDT 60,000.00 to BDT 3,00,000.00
Automatic hydraulic bollards
BDT 1,00,000.00 to BDT 6,00,000.00
Under Vehicle Surveillance
BDT 15,50,000.00 to BDT 85,50,000.00
Who are the best car park guidance system Providers, supplier, Importer and installer in Bangladesh?
Germany Computer and Telecom Limited (GCTL) is the best supplier, importer considered to be the best car park guidance system provider Company in Bangladesh. Our parking guidance system can be permanent or Portable based on your requirement. We have more than a decade of experience Security and Surveillance field, so you can rely on us. Our parking guidance is environmentally friendly & adheres to strict quality control.