Video Conferencing in Bangladesh


Video Conferencing Benefits:
- Learn and Teach Online
- Optimised Attendance
- Reduced Travel Time and Costs
- Sustained Competitive Advantage
- Structured Meetings with Improved Communications
- Employee Retention
- Increased Productivity
- Bind Your Mobile Workers
- It Aids Telecommuting
- Organize Meetings Independent of Time
- Humanize Your Conversation

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Video Conferencing

End-to-End Video Conferencing Solution

Germany Computer and Telecom Limited-GCTL offers End-to-End Video Conferencing Solution provides 1080p60 HD video that is highly reliable, secure, and stable. It offers a smooth, across-the-table conferencing experience that saves on travel costs, improves productivity, and accelerates decision-making. For all video conferencing requirements, small room to cinema-level, this solution will help maintain company competitiveness.

 video conferencing

Lifelike 1080p60 Video Conferencing Solution

GCTL provides a complete 1080p60 HD videoconferencing solution to help users construct an end-to-end HD videoconferencing system for remote communications. The solution includes HD cameras, microphones, codecs, and MCUs to create an in-person experience, encouraging users to use the videoconferencing system.

 video conferencing in BD

High Reliability with Multiple Backups

Our videoconferencing systems and products are designed with excellent reliability. They adopt nine backup mechanisms for all key components.


High Convergence and Interoperation Capabilities

GCTL provided videoconferencing systems can interoperate with office and service systems in enterprises. For example, emails can be sent to schedule conferences. Interoperation encourages enterprise employees to use the videoconferencing systems in a familiar environment.



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